Vision for the Future
We’re dedicated to giving you the very best in permaculture design services in Southwest Michigan. I grew up gardening with four generations of family in southern Michigan. This has given me a deep level of experience working with nature in our region. I have spent the past decade researching and practicing the most efficient and practical ways to make regenerative gardens, landscapes, farms, businesses, and lives in our little corner of the Earth.
There are four main products and services that we currently offer:
1. Permaculture design services –
Invest in making your home, garden, orchard, business, or community landscape permanently sustainable and regenerative today! We also offer lifestyle design and coaching for holistic health, preparedness, self-sufficiency, and eco-friendly living. These are very flexible, individualized consultations that can include: site visits, topographical maps, design sketches, plant lists, regenerative investment strategies, installation services, and more. There is no up-front cost or obligation. Please reach out now and see how we can help you transform your life and your landscape today!
2. Permaculture and foraging classes –
We offer these classes in late spring and summer each year. The instructor is a fully accredited, widely researched, and experienced Permaculture Designer. In addition, these classes are comparable to individual modules that would make up a traditional Permaculture Design Course (or PDC). This means that they will count towards your Permaculture Design Certificate when we offer the full certification in the future. We also always teach classes specific to foraging since it is such a high leverage activity. We help you safely identify dozens of locally abundant plants. Seeing the actual plants in the field helps you get the full sensory experience. Finally, we cover easy methods for harvesting, cooking, and preserving unique foods. Check out our Facebook page for class updates and listings at https://www.facebook.com/treesandteas
3. Healing salves, herbs, and medicinal tinctures –
We make these by hand using plants we grow or forage ourselves. Additionally, everything we grow is beyond organic or wild harvested from clean environments. We make our tea mixes, healing salves, and tinctures using these high quality local ingredients. They are also available to ship anywhere in the US all year long in our online shop at treesandteas.ecwid.com. Please check it out while you’re here and refer friends and family who are looking for honest, pure, and wild home remedies and culinary adventures!
4. Fruit and nut trees, perennial plants, and seed sales –
Last of all, every spring and fall we offer fruit and nut trees and useful perennial plants for sale from our homestead. These include some of our top picks for low-maintenance, pest and disease resistant, and productive plants. They range from staple calorie crops like chestnuts and hazelnuts to uniquely medicinal plants such as seaberry, aronia berry, currant, and elderberry depending on what we have available each year. The plants are locally adapted and were grown in Michigan to thrive in our climate and soils. Plant sales are for local pickups only at this time but the seeds are available for shipping all year from treesandteas.ecwid.com. Please subscribe for email notifications, contact us, or check out our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/treesandteas for updated listings every April and October.